Projects / Moggill Rd Kerb Improvement (Whitmore to Beatrice St)
Moggill Rd Kerb Improvement (Whitmore to Beatrice St)
Brisbane City Council identified a section of Moggill Road between Beatrice Street and Whitmore Street, that requires upgrade to improve the intersections and to address current deficiencies and future necessities, The current stage and scope of this project is to formalise the edge of pavement on the southern side of Moggill Road (Stanley Terrace and Beatrice St) with kerb, channel, drainage, pavements, etc.
DYKMAN Consulting was appointed by BCC to develop an ultimate concept and from that develop an interim solution and progress that to preliminary design and complete detailed design to formalise the edge of pavement on the southern sided of Moggill Road (Stanley Terrace and Beatrice St) with kerb, channel, drainage, pavements, etc.
Challenges & Achievements
Key challenges included achieving compliant geometry to suit traffic modelling scenarios and including the ultimate design then peeling that back to create an interim solution. Other challenges included the identification of numerous existing PUP and potholes to avoid clashes.
We appointed appropriately qualified subconsultants and worked very closely with them and held many workshops to share information to all. In all cases we always worked in a team environment so that all parties were always aware of what the challenges were. We managed to achieved all of the project objectives and when the project was put out to Tender we received very few queries from the contractors.
Brisbane City Council