Projects / BCC Major and Minor Roads Rehabilitation Programs
BCC Major and Minor Roads Rehabilitation Programs
The project entails the pavement rehabilitation of 340 Minor roads and 44 Majors within BCC’s rehabilitation works program over a 2 year period. The works included undertaking site inspections of the roads in question including reviewing historical data and works and providing BCC with a report which outlines the condition of the road and provides options for rehabilitation with associated costings.
On the major roads we were also responsible for the geotechnical testing component and went onsite with BCC geotechnical team and observed the testing. We then went back to BCC laboratory and provided guidance on the appropriate testing to be undertaken.
Dykman Consulting was responsible to deliver the Major and Minor works program and undertook all pavement designs, cost estimates and assisted the laboratory with testing including providing locations for the test pits drilling. In all instances BCC provided an initial assessment from their technical officers and most of the time our designs were cost effective and saved BCC significant amount of money due to our level of experience in this type of work.
Challenges & Achievements
Needed to keep the field staff busy throughout the year so had to prepare all the projects on where to drill the test pits, we worked very collaboratively with BCC on this
Met with the laboratory staff and provided assistance to them on what is the appropriate tests to be undertaken
On most of the initial designs undertaken by BCC we reduced the treatments and saved BCC significant amounts of money
Needed to keep the delivery dates as promised to BCC.
Brisbane City Council